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The Ole' Agency Bait-and-Switch: A disappearing act

Have you ever experienced that sinking feeling after signing a contract with a marketing agency?  You were wooed by the charm and expertise of their top-level executives, only to find them vanishing into thin air once the ink dries.  Suddenly, you're left dealing with a team of less experienced, entry-level staff who seem a world away from the brilliance that initially sold you on the agency.

If this sounds familiar, you've fallen victim to the dreaded "bait-and-switch" tactic.

The Bait-and-Switch Breakdown

Here's how the bait-and-switch typically plays out:

  1. The Dazzle: During the sales process, the agency rolls out the red carpet. You're meeting with seasoned directors, VPs, and even the CEO.  They impress you with their industry knowledge, strategic insights, and creative ideas. You're convinced you've found the dream team.

  2. The Hook: You sign the contract, excited about the partnership ahead.

  3. The Switch: The A-team fades into the background. Your primary point of contact becomes a junior account manager or a team of fresh-faced interns. While enthusiastic, they clearly lack the experience and decision-making power of the senior staff who initially won you over.

  4. The Frustration: Your project's progress stalls. Communication becomes muddled, and the strategic vision gets lost in translation. You're left wondering what happened to the powerhouse team you were promised.

The Impact on Your Business

The bait-and-switch can have serious consequences for your business:

  • Subpar Results:  Without the guidance of experienced professionals, your campaigns may lack the strategic direction and creative spark needed to achieve your goals.

  • Wasted Resources:  You're paying top dollar for a service that's not delivering on its promises.

  • Damaged Relationships: The lack of transparency and communication can erode trust and leave you feeling disillusioned with the agency.

How to Avoid the Bait-and-Switch

  • Ask the Tough Questions: During the sales process, inquire about who will be directly involved in your account and their level of experience.

  • Get it in Writing: Include a clause in your contract that specifies the involvement of senior staff throughout the project.

  • Trust Your Gut: If something feels off during the sales process, it probably is. Don't be afraid to walk away if you're not convinced that the agency is being transparent.

Remember, a genuine partnership is built on trust and transparency. Don't settle for an agency that tries to pull a fast one.

At Oddity, we believe in connecting brands with agencies that prioritize honesty and deliver on their promises.  Let us help you find the perfect fit for your next marketing initiative. Let's Chat //


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